“letting go” – Ainsley Lotito

why do you think  i carve words into my flesh?  so i can remember them?  no silly, it’s so i won’t have to   hold onto them. 

Categorized as Poetry

“I Am From Maudie Ree and Sargent Pearl” – Sara Beth Riddell

1.I am from Maudie Ree and Sargent Pearl, Kosher Wine replaced by Cree and Cherokee, I am from the road, gypsy livin’, Nomads with nowhere to go and nowhere to be,   2.I am from The Lone Star state line, a border baby, Honeysuckle’s oh so sweet, but humble, boots and buckles, I am from… Continue reading “I Am From Maudie Ree and Sargent Pearl” – Sara Beth Riddell

“Death” -XuSong Ho

Weeping, freezing, sleeping, oh mournful soul Torn on the edge of the end Misery a rightful toll Come to me and look upon the sky So frozen in winter’s night Plunge not in that solemn abyss Waiting to claim you with a hiss Laughing, Crying, prancing, oh joyous soul Dancing on the light before the… Continue reading “Death” -XuSong Ho

“Ribboned” -Rachel Poulsen

Millions of shards, jagged from the last shattering, the pieces of my soul and heart floating harmlessly. Until a small disturbance throws them from their delicate balance and they tear, ripping what remains into ribbons.

Categorized as Poetry

“Same” -Anthony Reyes

All is the same Same is everyone Everyone is the same Whether that person has a distinct coating they’re still a person. A person who loves, a person with emotions. No matter what their past is about Don’t have doubt, that is changing now. People used to have to bow Bowed to those who they… Continue reading “Same” -Anthony Reyes

Categorized as Poetry